
This website describes the conditions of eligibility, coverage and claims procedures under the Teamsters and Toronto Ready-Mix Producers’ Benefit Plan Trust Fund, which for descriptive ease is referred to in this website as the Trust Fund.   Participants of this plan are Members who are paying Union dues to Teamsters Local Union 230, and who are employed with one of the following employers: Canada Building Materials Ltd, Dufferin Concrete (a division of Holcim Canada), Innocon Inc., or Teskey Concrete Company Ltd.

Please read this website carefully and keep it for future reference.

Effort has been made to ensure that the coverage descriptions in this website are consistent with the group insurance policies issued by the Insurance Companies and with related government Health coverages.  However, this website is not, in itself, a legal contract, so it follows that the terms of the insurance policies, and of the governing legislation, take precedence in case of dispute.  Any amendment to the governing insurance policies is effective without notice to you. As well, in an effort to treat all Members fairly and to guard the Trust Fund assets against abuse the Board of Trustees is solely responsible for establishing the eligibility rules of the Trust Fund.

The Trustees hope that the benefit coverage, provided by the Trust Fund, is of real value to you and your eligible Dependents.  Should you require additional information, please contact your plan’s Administrative Agent, Benefit Plan Administrators Limited.

The Board of Trustees

This website describes the conditions of eligibility, coverage and claims procedures under the Teamsters and Toronto Ready Mix Producers Benefit Plan Fund. The Board of Trustees are solely responsible for establishing the eligibility rules of the Trust Fund.


Claim Forms:



*Please note that some changes were made to the booklet after April 2018 and these have been highlighted in red for your information.

Teamsters and Toronto Ready Mix Producers Benefit Plan Fund
c/o Benefit Plan Administrators
90 Burnhamthorpe Road West, Suite 300
Mississauga, Ontario L5B 3C3